Mixed Python/Rust project with maturin
This post describes how to create Python project using Rust for time-critical parts. While the steps described below work for me, they are definitely not the only way to do things.
Disclaimer: the instructions are obsolete and probably will not work now.
Prerequisites and setup
Obviously, you will need Python. I am not going to
cover its installation here. The Python version I am going to use is 3.11.2
The command python -c "import sys; print(sys.version)"
will print the version
of the Python interpreter you have installed.
To install Rust I suggest to use
rustup. I have installed it from the site and my version
at this moment is 1.25.2
. To check rustup
installation run
rustup --version
. To check Rust use rustc --version
(I run the nightly
toolchain and my version is rustc 1.70.0-nightly (2036fdd24 2023-03-27)
In my setup you will need a nightly toolchain. You can test the installation by
going to some temporary directory and executing the following commands:
cargo new foo
cd foo
cargo run
This will create an example Rust project in a subdirectory foo
, compile and
run it. You should see Hello, world!
as an output. Then you can delete the
We are going to use poetry to manage Python
dependencies. You have to install it now. To check that poetry
was installed
correctly, try to run poetry --version
. My version (at the moment of writing
this text) is 1.4.1
The master plan is to have tkinter Python application, which allows to enter two numbers and either add them together (using Python function) or subtract the second from the first (“time critical” part, with implementation in Rust).
Why tkinter? Because it is built-in into Python, and unlike many other GUI toolkits does not require your Unix-like system to be macOs or Linux.
All in all it will be a Python application.
It will be possible to test both Python part (using
pytest) and Rust part (I use
nextest but good old cargo test
also should work).
Code coverage
It will be possible to produce test coverage for Python part using pytest-cov and for Rust part using tarpaulin. Please notice that I do not know how to include in the coverage Rust tests exercising Python part or Python tests exercising Rust part – teach me if you know, please!
We will end up by creating an installer for the application.
Python part
We are going to create a project with imaginative name “foobar”. Go to some
directory and run poetry new foobar
. Now go into foobar
subdirectory. If
the Python version you are going to use for the project is not your default
Python version, it is time to run
poetry env use <path to the proper Python interpreter>
. Now I run the
following commands making sure that poetry created fresh new Python virtual
environment for me it is activated:
poetry install
source "$(poetry env info -p)"/bin/activate
If you are using Windows, the last line should be
& ((poetry env info --path) + "\Scripts\activate.ps1")
First run
Create (next to __init__.py
) the file foobar/app.py
with the following
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Hello, world!")
Now python foobar/app.py
should print Hello, world!
Tkinter window
Replace the content of foobar/app.py
with the following:
"""Example application."""
import tkinter as tk
def plus(first: int, second: int) -> int:
"""Calculate the sum of two numbers."""
return first + second
class App(tk.Tk):
"""The application window."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.num1 = tk.Entry(self)
self.num1.insert(0, "0")
self.num2 = tk.Entry(self)
self.num2.insert(0, "0")
self.btn_plus = tk.Button(self, text="+", command=self.add_numbers)
self.btn_minus = tk.Button(self, text="-")
self.result = tk.Label(self, text="0")
def add_numbers(self) -> None:
"""Read input values and display their sum."""
res = plus(int(self.num1.get()), int(self.num2.get()))
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = App()
If you run the application (python foobar/app.py
) you will see a window with
the number of controls – two input fields, into which you are supposed to
enter integer numbers, two buttons ("+" and “-”), and a label, which displays
the result of the operation. Pressing “+” button causes execution of Python
function plus
, calculating the sum of entered numbers. The button “-”
currently does nothing – we will implement functionality for it in Rust.
Rust part
We will use the tool, called maturin, to create Python module out of Rust
sources. Start by adding it as dev dependency to the project:
poetry add --group dev maturin
. After the installation is finished, run
maturin --version
to check it has installed successfully. At the time of
writing my version is maturin 0.14.16
We will use maturin with so called PyO3 bindings.
Necessary changes
Start by modifing “build-system” setting in pyproject.toml
so it looks like
requires = ["maturin>=0.14,<0.15"]
build-backend = "maturin"
Also add to the same file maturin-specific settings:
features = ["pyo3/extension-module"]
cargo-extra-args = ["--features", "pyo3/extension-module"]
Now create Cargo.toml
file next to pyproject.toml
with the following
name = "foobar_rust"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"
name = "rust_module"
crate-type = ["cdylib", "rlib"]
pyo3 = { version = "0.18.1" }
Notice that here foobar_rust
is the name of Python
wheel which will be built and
is the name of the module as it will be seen from Python. You can
run python -c "import rust_module"
now and see ModuleNotFoundError – the
module does not exist yet.
Minimal Rust code
We will create minimal Rust code which does absolutely nothing but allows us to build our fresh new module.
Create directory src/
and a file src/lib.rs
with the following content:
use pyo3::prelude::*;
fn rust_module(_py: Python, _m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
Here rust_module
is the name of our Python module, and it should be the same
as defined above in Cargo.toml
. As you can see, the module has absolutely
nothing in it.
Run maturin develop
. This command will build the wheel and install it in the
current virtual environment, created by poetry
📦 Built wheel for CPython 3.11 to C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Temp\.tmpOauvFl\foobar_rust-0.1.0-cp311-none-win_amd64.whl
🛠Installed foobar_rust-0.1.0
After you see something like that, you can try to import module in Python again
and see that there is no error: python -c "import rust_module"
Adding functionality to Rust module
Python function
To have Python function in the new module, modify src/lib.rs
so it looks like
use pyo3::prelude::*;
fn add(left: usize, right: usize) -> PyResult<usize> {
println!("Hello, world!");
Ok(left + right)
fn rust_module(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
m.add_function(wrap_pyfunction!(add, m)?)?;
Compile and install the module with maturin develop
. Now run python
and try
the new function:
>>> from rust_module import add
>>> add(2, 3)
Hello, world!
As you can see, the new function is available in the module and works as expected.
Python class
All is swell but Python usually makes heavy use of OOP. We now will define
Python class in Rust. Modify src/lib.rs
to look like this:
use pyo3::prelude::*;
struct Pair {
first: i32,
second: i32,
impl Pair {
fn create(first: i32, second: i32) -> Self {
Self { first, second }
fn sub(&self) -> i32 {
self.first - self.second
fn rust_module(_py: Python, m: &PyModule) -> PyResult<()> {
Build the module with maturin develop
and after running python
you can
check that it works:
>>> from rust_module import Pair
>>> Pair(5, 3)
<builtins.Pair object at 0x80177a710>
>>> Pair(5, 3).sub()
Of course, the actual address of Pair
object, displayed in line 3, will be
Connecting Python GUI to Rust module
Now we will connect “-” button in our Python GUI to the fresh new Rust module.
You have to put the following into foobar/app.py
"""Example application."""
import tkinter as tk
from rust_module import Pair
def plus(first: int, second: int) -> int:
"""Calculate the sum of two numbers."""
return first + second
class App(tk.Tk):
"""The application window."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.num1 = tk.Entry(self)
self.num1.insert(0, "0")
self.num2 = tk.Entry(self)
self.num2.insert(0, "0")
self.btn_plus = tk.Button(self, text="+", command=self.add_numbers)
self.btn_minus = tk.Button(self, text="-", command=self.sub_numbers)
self.result = tk.Label(self, text="0")
def add_numbers(self) -> None:
"""Read input values and display their sum."""
res = plus(int(self.num1.get()), int(self.num2.get()))
def sub_numbers(self) -> None:
"""Read input values and display their difference."""
res = Pair(int(self.num1.get()), int(self.num2.get())).sub()
if __name__ == "__main__":
app = App()
Comparing to the previous version, this code now imports Pair
from Rust
module, uses it in a new sub_numbers
method and tells “-” button to call this
method when pressed.
If you run the project now (python foobar/app.py
) the “-” button will work as
Type checking
Unfortunately, if you use some Python typechecker (highly recommended!) such as
mypy, it will complain about not knowing the
types for rust_module
(try to run mypy .
in the project root directory).
The problem can be solved by creation of Python stub file. In the root of the
project (next to src/
subdirectory) create rust_module.pyi
file with the
following content (...
is literally ...
, not just some omission):
class Pair:
def __new__(cls, first: int, second: int) -> "Pair": ...
def sub(self) -> int: ...
This should make typechecker happy.
Pylint problem
If you are using pylint
it might complain that rust_module
has no name
(try to run pylint foobar
in the project root directory). The reason
seems to be ages old bug. To
circumvent it, add the following lines into pyproject.toml
extension-pkg-allow-list = ["rust_module"]
Now pylint should be happy.
Let us add tests to our application.
Python tests
We start with tests, written in Python, for Python part.
Testing tool for Python
Python tests will be run with pytest. Let us add it as a
development dependency: poetry add --group dev pytest
. After installing, run
pytest --version
to check that it was successfully installed (at the time of
writing, I am getting pytest 7.2.2
as an output). Running pytest
happily inform us: collected 0 items
. As we do not have any tests yet, this
is very logical.
Writing Python tests
Create subdirectory tests/
in the root of the project (next to src/
subdirectory). Create empty file tests/__init__.py
– if you do not do this,
wont find your tests. It is quite possible that poetry already created
both subdirectory and empty file for you. Now write the first test in the file
"""Tests for 'plus' function."""
from foobar.app import plus
def test_passing() -> None:
"""This test should pass."""
assert 5 == plus(2, 3)
def test_failing() -> None:
"""This test should fail."""
assert 5 != plus(2, 3)
Running pytest
in the root of the project will show one passing and one
failing test.
Rust tests
Rust tests will live in Rust sources.
Testing tool for Rust
I use nextest to run Rust tests. To install (globally)
execute cargo install cargo-nextest
. To print the version, use
cargo nextest --version
. Mine is cargo-nextest-nextest 0.9.51
. To execute
the tests, use cargo nextest run
in the project root. Currently, it will say
Starting 0 tests
, which is not a big surprise.
Writing Rust tests
Let us add the following tests to src/lib.rs
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn passing_test() {
let p = Pair {
first: 3,
second: 2,
assert_eq!(p.sub(), 1);
fn failing_test() {
let p = Pair {
first: 3,
second: 2,
assert_ne!(p.sub(), 1);
We again define one passing and one failing test, and executing
cargo nextest run
at the project root will say
2 tests run: 1 passed, 1 failed, 0 skipped
, as expected.
Tests coverage
As mentioned above, I do not know how to count in coverage of Python code, coming from Rust tests, or Rust code, coming from Python tests. So we will have coverage information for Python code, coming from Python tests, and for Rust code, coming from Rust tests.
Coverage for Python code
The Python coverage tool
To generate Python coverage report, we are going to use pytest plugin called
pytest-cov. Add it as a development
dependency: poetry add --group dev pytest-cov
Coverage report for Python code
To generate coverage report, pytest must be run with additional parameters:
pytest --cov=foobar --cov-report html
. Now in the root of the project you will
have a new subfolder, and you can open the file htmlcov/index.html
in a
browser to see a coverage report.
Coverage for Rust code
The Rust coverage tool
To generate Rust coverage report, we are going to use the tool called
tarpaulin. To install it (globally)
execute cargo install cargo-tarpaulin
. To get the version, use
cargo tarpaulin --version
; mine is cargo-tarpaulin version: 0.25.1
Coverage report for Rust code
Please notice, that no report will be generated if you have failing tests, so
remove failing_test
function from src/lib.rs
. When this is done, run
cargo tarpaulin -o html
. After the run finishes, you will see some text
information about the coverage, and will find tarpaulin-report.html
in the
root directory of your project. It can be opened with any browser to see the
coverage report.
Excluding parts of the code from the coverage report
While excluding parts of the Python code from pytest-cov report is easy (Internet is full of the corresponding information) with the Rust code it is a bit more difficult.
Let us say that you want to exclude from the report rust_module
which assembles Python module. Start by inserting #![feature(no_coverage)]
the first line of src/lib.rs
(this is the place where nightly toolchain is
needed). Now add #[no_coverage]
before #[pymodule]
, rerun tarpaulin, and
– voila! – rust_module
function is gone from coverage report.
Creation of installer
I will describe the process of creating the installer only for Windows and macOs. If you are using Linux or some other Unix-like system you probably know your way around.
We will need a tool called pyinstaller. Add it as a
development dependency: poetry add --group dev pyinstaller
… and it will
fail with the meaningless message:
pyinstaller requires Python <3.12,>=3.7, so it will not be satisfied for Python >=3.12,<4.0
I blame poetry. Luckily, the problem is easy to circumvent: edit
and make sure the Python version is specified using >=
– not ^
. You should have something like this:
python = ">=3.11,<3.12"
Now pyinstaller
can be added with poetry.
Windows installer
From the root of the project, run pyinstaller foobar/app.py
. There will appear
fresh dist\app
subdirectory with a bunch of files. You can go there and run
the application:
cd .\dist\app
The application will start. However, a directory full of files is not an ideal solution for Windows. You want one file, and you have two ways to achieve it: simple with pyinstaller and flexible with InstallForge.
For simple way, remove app.spec
file and dist\
subfolder, created by
pyinstaller, and call pyinstaller again, adding -F
option. You will get
exactly one file (app.exe
) in dist\
InstallForge way
Start by installing InstallForge. Now run it. I am going to describe important settings:
- Product Name must be set. Keep it as “foobar”.
- Setting Company Name to something is a good idea.
- On Files tab for me drag-and-drop did not work (contrary to what is
written there). I have pressed Add Folder button above and added my
subdirectory. - On Installation page I recommend to put Inculde Uninstaller checkmark – if it is set, the program can be uninstalled by standard Windows means.
- On Shortcuts page press Add… button, select “Startmenu” as
Destination, enter
as Shortcut Name and<InstallPath>\app\app.exe
as Target File (sic, with double “app”, as the programapp.exe
resides inapp\
subdirectory). - Enter Setup File on Build page. It is a name under which the created installer will be saved.
Now press Build button on top and run the installer when it is ready. You
will have working “foobar” application installed. Unfortunately, besides opening
Tkinter window, it also opens a console window. If you do not want to see the
console window (most probably you do not) add -w
option to pyinstaller call
before building the installer.
Mac installer
From the root of the project, run pyinstaller foobar/app.py
. There will appear
fresh dist/app
subdirectory with a bunch of files. You can go there and run
the application:
cd ./dist/app
The application will start. However, a directory full of files is not an ideal
solution for Mac. Instead we will create .dmg
file, containing application
bundle .app
(which is just a directory full of files, albeit having special
Creation of application bundle
Remove created by pyinstaller app.spec
file and dist/
subdirectory, and run
pyinstaller again with -w
option: pyinstaller -w foobar/app.py
. Now in
subdirectory in addition to the subdirectory app/
you will find
application bundle app.app
. Remove app/
subdirectory (you do not need it)
and verify that application bundle works by running open app.app
. Measure
size, you will need it: du -sh app.app
Creation of disk image
Now we will create the disk image file, containing the built application. Go to
the project root folder and run
hdiutil create -size <size> /tmp/tmp.dmg -fs HFS+ -srcfolder dist/
, where
size is a couple of megabytes more than you have measured above. This command
will create disk image file /tmp/tmp.dmg
containing your application.
Compression of disk image
To compress (and make read-only) created disk image, run
hdiutil convert /tmp/tmp.dmg -format UDZO -o FoobarInstall.dmg
. Now you have
disk image which can be distributed. To verify, you can
open it and drag-and-drop app.app
Final notes
The procedure above builds Rust code in debug mode. To build it in release mode,
pass additional -r
option to maturin.